1000 - OK
2001 - Empty
2002 - This domain does not exist
2003 - This contact does not exist
2004 - Registration failed
2005 - This NSSET does not exist
2006 - Object already exists
2007 - Contact is not privileged to authorize these changes
2008 - Nothing to change
2009 - Reserved domain name
2010 - Missing required additional field
2011 - Cannot register domain to TELE3 contact, choose another contact
2012 - Anonymous registration not supported for .eu domains
2013 - Invalid nameservers section
2014 - No such nameserver
2015 - Invalid auth contact
3000 - Your credit is low
8000 - Not supported TLD
8001 - Object does not belong to your account
8002 - This object is not allowed to be edited by this user
8005 - Ownership change is not possible for TLD
8006 - This domain is not under TELE3
8007 - Ownership change is not possible for this domain
8008 - Contact of new owner does not exist
8009 - Contact is not available on your account
8800 - Malformed input
8803 - Transfer not possible, object already at TELE3
8804 - Transfer failed
8900 - Unknown error
9000 - Login error
9001 - Unknown SSID
9002 - undefined command
9003 - Usage Limit Exceeded
9100 - Missing input
9900 - XML document is not valid